Monday, September 8, 2008

The weekend round-up

Yup, I've already missed a few days, so much for being "diligent and committed" :). I do have an excuse though...

Friday afternoon my mother called to let me know my grandfather was not doing well. 10 mins later she called back to let me know he was gone. Even though my rational brain tells me "it's for the best", my heart doesn't agree. He wasn't enjoying the quality of life that I know he wanted and while he is happier and at peace now.. We'll miss him...

I haven't told Scoots yet, because I'm just not sure what to say.. She's spent alot of time with him over her short little life and now that she's 4 she'll notice his absence... They're not having a memorial service, calling hours, anything (his choice) so I'm not sure how to explain to her that Grampa is gone and not coming back... without scaring her...

On a happier note.. Jerk and I had a REAL date night. We went to see Cirque du Soleil and had a nice dinner out, alone.... Cirque du Soleil was amazing.... the performers are so small and lean, but CRAZY strong. Unfortunately the seats made me painfully aware of my wide arse.. the last time I was there I was probably 12 years old. Seats seemed much roomier. This time I got to cuddle with Jerk & the guy to my left at the SAME time. Looking back, it could have been fun, had my neighbor not been 50+, reeking of beer and some kind of stale meat, and a little too gregarious.... BUT the tickets were free, so can I really complain...

I'll try to find something a bit cheerier (wow, spell check says that a real word...) to blog about later...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry about your grandfather. It is for the best, I suppose, but that doesn't mean it feels any less sad. Sending you my thoughts...

On another note, congrats on the date night...Good for you!

And thanks for the link and comments. I look forward to coming back and reading more.

Until then, you'll be in my thoughts.
